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Sunday, December 09, 2007

sorry 2c2 ppl(:
we decided not to have BBQ cause i doubt many will come so we'll settle our lunch by eating Macdonalds and also Moykit's homecooked food like fried rice and beehoon. rmb to bring $, i think $20 will be fine(: also rmb to bring christmas present alright? will have games over there and this will be the last class outing as the bloody Os are coming. the date, time and venue will be the same. if you do not knw how to go den you can...
Meet me at sch bus stop at 9.30(:


Thursday, November 15, 2007

sorry ppl, i havent contact you guys yet cause busy.
we met up and decided that we should have the outing on the 14th of dec since many of you are gg on holiday during nov(: this outing is called as the ECP OUTING cause we're gg to East Coast Park to Exchange Christmas Present.

WHERE? *East Coast Park (Roller blade, cycling, suntan @ beach, picnic)
TIME? *10.30am meet
Bring at least $20?
What if it RAINS? *rent movie, either go Sandy's hse/Moykit's hse. (will discuss it with sandy)
Eat? BBQ -otah, satay, chicken wing, sausage, marshmallow, seaweed chicken, nuggets, stingray, sambal fish (more suggestions?)
Activities? *Have fun
*ECP (Exchange Christmas Present) present must be at least $3.

this outing is not compulsary but it's a good time to catch up with each other.
pls make urself available on that day.
if you want to stay over at someone's hse den you guys go make arrangement(:
PLS bring extra clothes cause you will stink or get wet!
all thx to kitru, jaspreet, moykit, stephanie yeo, edna and myself(:

PLANNERS: will contact you guys soon cause we need to go ECP to check out things over there(:


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

unless i'm dead. HAHAHAHAHAHA.
anw due to popular demand. many ppl come to me and ask this very shockain question "is there another 2c2 class outing?" OF COURSE! IF YOU WANT TO GO. i've attended the EVENT PLANNING WORKSHOP so i can garantee you that you'll enjoy urself very much. SO... i need to activate that rusty old relay system very soon.

1. i'll contact a few ppl to plan with me(: [the workshop says: "work with different ppl so you can have more suggestion]

2. the workshop also says: "dont dismiss any STUPID IDEAS" so i'll welcome all kinds of crazy wild ideas.

pls keep tagging and let us knw ur whereabouts, also give places that you think we'll have a great time tgt(:

See you in school yoz! (: -qianwei
OH! dorothy, i think all of us miss you(: especially when you go SIAO AH! 2c2'06<3DOROTHY


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

CHOEQIANWEI will call you again for the right venue and time and everything, so pls get ready a pen and paper beside you when i call you. BTW, i called SOME PPL already and they said they're free on sat and NOW they say they cant make it. I HATE PPL WHO BACK OUT AT THE LAST MIN. SO IF YOU CANT MAKE IT DEN SAY SO. you think calling 40 ppl easy? it waste time, money and energy. this outing is not a compulsary. if you dont appreciate it den tell me and i dont need to waste my time. JUST TELL ME YOU CANT COME. dont say no money. i gt this and that. blah blah. i'm just angry.

thanks alot and pls dont back out!


Sunday, June 03, 2007

9/06/07 2C2(06) CLASS OUTING!!!
let me tell you this.
you'll sure regret it if you cant make it so just cancel all ur plans even if you gt a plane to catch to london, JUST CANCEL IT!
date: 9/06/07 (saturday)
places: movie(spectacular!), clarke quay(romantic), kite flying(optional), steamboat(food lah!)
time/place to meet: 10.30am @ somerset MRT
$: minimum $20 but its better to bring more if you're a big eater.
things to bring: camera(capture good moments)
ur body: casual
i knw that arielle and huimin might not be able to make it. so pls inform me.
or else you'll suffer for the rest of ur life.
fantastic planners:
liyana, moykit, qianwei, samantha, isabella, kitru.
better thank them.


Sunday, January 07, 2007


Just to let you all know, to sign in now, the gmail account is clockless.mifen.jelly@gmail.com. I know it's downright weird. Personal joke, and I couldn't think of anything else. Laugh at me, call me crazy, whatever. Hey, wait, I'm crazy remember? That's the reason why I'm in the class I'm in. The pass, um, the class and the year. I'll be removing this part in... oh the next time I get online, so those that miss it, just ask lol. Sry if I'm pissed off when you ask, i'm on a VERY short fuse recently. Just say... **** CCA!!!!!!!!



Friday, January 05, 2007

I think we can get rid of that no cursing rule. I've been breaking it like mad anyway and it isn't affecting anyone. Anyway, one thing at a time.

There are 2 accounts for signing in to post. One is 2c2_2006 and the other's sec_2c2. the second one will be, from now on, UNAVAILABLE. 2c2_2006 is the admin one. I think we don't need the just posting one anyway. Sure, maybe a lot of people don't know the pass and all. I forgot too lol, for the posting.

I think we all want to keep the blog running. Now the beta needs google account. I can help put in a gmail account for that. I just need some opinion on that. In the end, the old blogger will be kicked, sooner or later. If it's kicked, we might lose the blog if we don't change. So just post the opinions on the tagboard :D

That's about it. I know I sound super stiff and weird. Rather me curse and be crazy? Hehe. Post and if you don't have the admin (and now only one) account left for the blog just ask on the tagboard or something.

